As you are well aware, getting media coverage is a constant challenge. Here is an example of what can happen if you report your results (when they are good…;) to your local newspapers. They are looking for results from local athletes and are usually very keen on recognizing good results from the locals. Here are a few steps to get better results: -get your local sport column guy’s e-mail (usually in the newspaper) -send him an e-mail to introduce yourself and be prepare to explain what racketlon is all about -write a small article (he/she will fix it anyway) with the name and date of the tournament, your results: name of opponent and origin, score and final placing. If you can attach an high resolution pic from the tourney it’s even better. Now the only thing left is to train hard in order to have a reason to contact the newspapers… If every tournament winner does his/her share, our sport will become more widely known, no doubt.