This coming May will give Western players a great opportunity to hone their racketlon skills as well as making a surge on the Canadian ranking. First on May 10-12 Victoria will be hosting the PAcific Rim Open, this tournament has a very professional staff and the facility is top notch. Usually they are able to provide referee for all squash matches, this is truly a great thing to do. All the best players in Canada and even a world champion attended this tournament at least once. Some free accommodation is available for out of province players. PacRimracketlon poster2013 lo or look under TOURNAMENTS on this website. Then on May 31 to June 2 in Edmonton, the Royal Glenora Club will host their third annual Racketlon event. The venue is simply fantastic, you got to go there to see it. Again the staff at the club is very good. Last year there was close to 100 players participating so don’t wait until the last minute. Some Eastern Canada players will no doubt travel West to enjoy these two great events and earn those precious points that can help you qualify for the Canadian Team. Look under TOURNAMENTS on this website or Racketlon_2013_Advert Featured image is Samad and Latremouille-2010 finalist and winner