Haute-Ville High School, in Granby, provides an option program that’s helps develop good young racketlon players. Indeed, “the racket sports option+” allows students enrolled to develop table tennis, tennis and squash, in addition to physical training. As part of the students schedule one afternoon every three days, students are moved to the private sports center of the city. They are then separated into three groups, and will always have three 45 minutes group trainings in the afternoon. Every option+ day, they will have trainings of tennis, table tennis, squash and / or physical training (cardio, spinning, weight training). In addition, on a few occasions in the year, they will bring out badminton nets that they will place on a tennis court. Then, during the last sessions of the year, coaches organize a racketlon tournament to see how everyone has progressed. The positive results were observed with the participation of several of them in the junior categories of Challenger International de racketlon de Granby in 2014. picture is Vanessa Bellegarde from Granby with Anthony Bédard (u-13 finalist and winner and the Granby Challenger)